14.06.10 Neon Rev.3
The front of the armrest is shaped
to allow you to pull up close to a
desk or table top.
To flip the guard up, push the tab
to unlock the armrest.
The height of the armrest can be
adjusted by installing the spacers
in one of several positions.
To do so, you must first loosen the
screws, re configure the spacers
and then retighten the screws (see
the page on torque).
Neither the armrest nor the arm-
pads are to be used for lifting or
carrying the wheelchair.
Standard armrest, Flip-Up,
Detachable with desk or full
Adjust the height of the armrest as follows: Press the tab (1)
upward and move to the desired position. Release the tab and
push the armpad (2) down until you can hear it lock into place.
Always make sure that the armrest has locked into place properly.
To flip the armrest up, press the lever (3) to unlock the sideguard.
Neither the armrest nor the armpads are to be used for lifting
or carrying the wheelchair.
24“ rear wheels require the armpad to be re-adjusted by one
setting (upwards), to avoid finger entrapment!
Options – Armrests
Standard sideguard, flip-up,
removable with short or long
arm pads
With the sideguard which is step-
ped down at the front it is possible
to move up closer to a table. To flip
them up press the lever (1) for-
wards, so that the sideguard is
Sideguards, and the armrests
are not designed to be used to
lift or carry the wheelchair.
Sideguard, flip-up, removable with short or long
arm pads, height-adjustable
Options – sideguard
Quickie – height adjustable sideguard
(7.81.4 )
1. Fitting
a. Push the outside armrest support into the clamp which is moun-
ted on the chair frame.
b. The armrest will automatically lock into place.
2. Height adjustment
a. Turn the release lever to the second position.
b. Push the arm support up or down to the required height.
c. Turn the release lever back to the armrest locking position.
d. Push the arm support in until the upper armrest locks into positi-
3. Removing the armrest
a. Turn the release lever to the first position and remove the arm-
4. Changing the armrest
a. Push the armrest back into the clamp.
b. Turn the release lever back to the armrest locking position.
5. Adjusting the fit of the armrest receiver
To tighten or slacken the fit of the outside armrest in the clamp:
a. Release the four bolts on the sides of the clamp.
b. Hold the armrest in the clamp and squeeze the clamp together
at the required fit.
c. Tighten up the four bolts.
6. Adjusting the fit of the inner armrest
a. The outside armrest is fitted with two stud bolts.
b. Turn stud bolts in or out as required until you have found the
desired fit.
Sideguards and armrests are not designed to be used
to carry the chair.
Adjustable backrest height
The backrest height can be individually adjusted in
2.5 cm steps (3 adjustment ranges: 1 x 25-30 cm,
30-40 cm, 40-45 cm).
Undo the screws (1) and set the backrest to the
required height. Then tighten the screws again (see
the page on torque).
Please take into account the altered centre of
gravity when setting the angle of the backrest.
Adjustable back sling
The adjustable back-sling can be
adjusted for tension by using
several straps.
The back-sling upholstery can be
accessed from the inside via an
opening and can be upholstered to
suit individual tastes
The arm pad can be height-adjusted in the following
way. Pull the lever (1) and adjust the arm pad (2) to
the desired height. Release the lever and push the
arm pad (2) down until you hear it click into place.
Sideguards, and the armrests are not designed
to be used to lift or carry the wheelchair.