Rev 1. 1 05/08/19
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MP2 User Guide
Log Data
The MP2 will plot a graph of up to four points at a time. The page controls will allow the user to select
from Analog Inputs, Digital Inputs Modbus and Digital Outputs. Any combination of point types can be
charted at one time. Select the point to be graphed and then select the date range for the data. If no
date range is specified, then the system will display the most recent data for the points when clicking on
the Regenerate Graph button.
Figure 16 - Select Data Point to be Graphed
The system will display the graph with a default view of the last 24 hours. Use the page buttons and
zoom in and out icons to view the data in your web browser. The MP2 will display a Download to CSV
button which will download the data in a CSV file for viewing in another program. Note the download
will be the most current 4095 entries per point when no time range was selected. If a large time range
was selected, then the system will return the last 4095 entries per point for the range.
Figure 17 - Graph of Selected Data Points