UMTS/HSPA Module Series
WCDMA Jamming Detection Application Note
WCDMA_Jamming_Detection_Application_Note Confidential / Released 8 / 13
3.2. AT+QJDR Jamming Detection Report
Jamming Detection can be activated by QJDR command. Parameters will be automatically saved into
NVRAM after being configured successfully.
Write Command
String type, define the name of settings type
Digital type, define the value of type
“urc” URC defines the type of jamming detection report. When set to „1‟, the
detection report will be pushed to the URC port. When set to „0‟, the
detection report will not be pushed to the URC port. Default value: 0.
Range: 0,1
Period of URC of auto jamming detection report. When set to „0‟, no
periodic reporting. Default value: 0. Range: 0-120, unit: s
The maximum jamming signal strength threshold (For GSM network only).
Default value: 17. Range: 0-31
The minimum channel number which is jammed (For GSM network only).
Default value: 5. Range: 0-254
The minimum channel number which is jammed (For GSM network only).
Default value: 5. Range: 0-254
"maxrscp" The maximum RSCP threshold (For WCDMA network only). Default value:
-80. Range: -85~-60
The maximum ECIO threshold (For WCDMA network only). Default value:
40. Range: 20-70
The minimum S_QUAL threshold (For WCDMA network only). Default
value: -5. Range: -30~10
The maximum S_RXLEV threshold (For WCDMA network only). Default
value: 30. Range: 25-60
"pscanfinelev" Considered very good signal power threshold while power scanning (For
WCDMA network only). Default value: 100. Range: -500~800
AT+QJDR Jamming Detection Report
Test Command
+QJDR: (0,1)