TIMTER™ Multi-mode Digital Telemetry Transmitter
Quasonix, Inc.
Quasonix Multi-Mode Digital Transmitter
Customer Part # = QSX-xxx-xx-
Customer Name = Quasonix Customer
Contract # = 999999-9
TX Serial # = 1001
Hardware Rev: A
PA Rev: F
PA Serial #: 1001
PA Model #: XMTR-PAM-10-F-SCPA
IRIG 106-09
6025 Schumacher Park Drive
West Chester, OH 45069
(513) 942-1287
FPGA version: 001h 02ah
FPGA Build: 0x5B6C5E7C = Aug 9 2018 15:32:12
Firmware version: T4 V1.131 8/9/2018
Preset 0 read
SOQPSK>HVA table not valid for any band.
DL table not valid for any band.
Ready for Commands
SOQPSK>RF on/off pin changed from 0 to 1
SOQPSK>BB clock rate out of limits (clk = 0 kHz)
Figure 23
: TIMTER™ Welcome Message
Command Set: Standard and Optional Commands
All standard and optional user commands in Table 13 consist of one or two alphabetic characters, followed by 0, 1,
or 2 arguments. If the command is issued with arguments, there must be a space after the alphabetic characters. The
commands are not case sensitive. A carriage return is required to initiate each command except for the single key
commands described at the beginning of the table.
Most parameters set by these commands are stored in the unit’s nonvolatile flash memory (CS and DS are the
exception). On power-up, ALL settings are restored from preset 0, which is the default power on configuration. If
the parallel interface is active, then any applicable configuration settings are read from the parallel port and updated
accordingly after the initial power on sequence is completed. Refer to the Startup Configuration command (SC) for
All settings can be changed via the serial control port; however, parallel port settings will in general override the
serial port settings. However, configurations can only be saved from the serial control port. Changes made by the
user via either method are NOT saved unless the Save command (SV) is issued from the serial control port before
powering down.