Quark-Elec Manual
10 of 15
Note: In Ad-hoc mode, the IP address should not be changed and the password should
between 8 to 12 characters.
2.5 WiFi output in Station mode
More and more vessels have a wireless onboard network for access to the internet. In most
cases the network is created by using a 3G/4G wireless router with cellular modem. iOS
devices, tablets, mobile phones can all access the internet to obtain weather forecasts,
send/receive email and access many other internet services via onboard WiFi.
Although switching between the QK-A031 WiFi network and the onboard wireless network is
simple and quick, it can be advantageous to integrate the two networks and allowing operators
to receive the QK-A031 multiplexer output through the onboard WiFi network. This way,
operators can access the internet while receiving the NMEA 0183 messages without having to
switch between the 2 access points. To work in this way, operators should set up QK-A031 in
Station mode through QK-A031 configuration panel.
After the proper SSID and password setup, QK-A031 should be reset to activate the settings.
IP address, Gatway, Net Mask and Port can be left blank if no fixed IP address is needed.
Figure 6 Station mode settings