Quark-elec Manual
8 of 13
8. Connection to Output Devices
A028 provides two NMEA message output types using 3 different connections
8.1.Connection via NMEA 2000
The NMEA 2000 outputs converted AIS messages in NMEA 2000 PGNs. Many modern on board
electronic system now utilize the NMEA2000 interfacing standard to allow inter-connectivity and
interfacing between systems. This is an easy plug ‘n play solution that allows reliable on board data
sharing with simple common connectors. NMEA 2000 devices connect on a cabled “backbone” with a
“T-connector” used to spur off to each device. A028 comes with an integrated NMEA 2000 cable which
can be connected directly to the N2K backbone.
Figure 7: N2K connector
8.2.Connection via NMEA 0183
The NMEA0183 connector provides the links to a chart plotter and other instruments. It consists of two
differential output wires. NMEA 0183 output operates at a baud rate of 38400bps. The connected chart
plotter should be conFigureured at this rate to receive accurate data.
Figure 8: NMEA 0183 connection
8.3.Connection via USB Port
A028 is supplied with a USB connector. This connector provides AIS and GPS data output as standard
(multiplexed information from other instruments will also be sent via these connections). This USB
connector can be linked directly to a USB port on the PC. It can also be connected to other mobile
devices if they have a USB OTG (On the Go) connection using the supplied cable.
Figure 9: USB plug