Quark-elec Manual
10 of 13
9. Chart software
There is a wide range of chart software is available such as Imray, PolarView and OpenCPN.
https://opencpn.org/ OpenCPN (Open Chart Plotter Navigator) is a free software project to create
concise chart plotter and navigation software, for use underway or as a planning tool. OpenCPN is
developed by a team of active sailors using real world conditions for program testing and
We will use OpenCPN for our example, other software will require similar setup.
OpenCPN example USB setup
1. When you first open the software you will be greeted with a page similar to the one below. This is
the main view of openCPN
software. You now need to add
data to openCPN via your
Quark-elec instruments. Click
on the 'Options’ tab at the top.
The settings tab looks like a
spanner as seen below in the
highlighted image.
2. In the options at the top of the
menu will be a tab/button that
says ‘
’. Click on
3. Click on
Add Connection
button highlighted in the
picture below.
4. Select
5. Select from the drop down the
number assigned to
A012 (See connecting via
USB to find com port in device
manager). Adjust the Baud
rate accordingly (38400
covers AIS)
6. Click
and then