Before you attempt to do the first flight, you should check all
the control surfaces are corresponded to your servo stick
movement. And you should also check the gyro if is func-
tioned accordingly. To do this move the nose up and down
with the hatch off and watch the elevator servo movement. If
it's in beginners mode the servo will move quite a bit, in
advanced mode the servo will move less. Set the
stabilization system into beginners mode then check that it
is working correctly by doing the following test. Roll the
aircraft to the right, the left aileron should go up and the right
down. Roll the aircraft to the left and the right aileron should
go up and the left down. Move the nose down and the eleva-
tor should go up, move the nose up and the elevator should
go down. Move the nose of the aircraft to the left and the
rudder should move right, move the nose right and the
rudder should go left. If all works correctly then you are
ready to fly.
Setup Tips
If any control surface drifts of
to it's extreme limit then set-up
or calibration has not been done correctly
. P
lease go back
perform the set-up and calibration again and check that your
servo reversers are set to the correct orientation