Upgrading or replacing all controller canisters in a
controller-drive tray
About this task
Use these procedures to replace all of the controllers in a controller-drive tray. You typically use these
procedures when you choose to upgrade all of the controllers to a different model or platform. You
might also use these procedures in the following situations:
When all controllers in a controller-drive tray encounter hardware failures and are no longer
To upgrade the dual inline memory modules (DIMMs) in your controller-drive tray by replacing
both controllers with the same model of controllers, but with different DIMMs.
If you are upgrading the host interface cards (HICs) in your controller-drive tray by replacing both
controllers with the same model of controllers, but with different HICs, refer to the applicable flyer
for upgrade instructions:
Replacing a Controller Canister in the E5560 Controller-Drive Tray to Replace a Failed Host
Interface Card
Replacing a Controller Canister in the E5512 or the E5524 Controller-Drive Tray to Replace a
Failed Host Interface Card
If you are upgrading the HICs in your controller-drive tray to 56-Gb/s InfiniBand (IB) HICs, you can
use procedures in the following document to convert the protocol of the new HIC from iSCSI
Extensions for Remote Direct Memory Access (iSER) to Secure Remote Password (SRP).
Converting an InfiniBand HIC from iSER to SRP
You can upgrade an E5400 storage array or an EF540 flash array that has Fibre Channel base ports
and two-port iSCSI HIC by installing new E5600 or EF560 controllers that have four-port HICs. You
can then apply a feature pack in SANtricity Storage Manager to configure the HICs to operate with
two iSCSI ports and two Fibre Channel ports (Fibre Channel-iSCSI split mode). You can use the
procedures in the following document to perform this upgrade.
Upgrading E5400 or EF540 Controllers to E5600 or EF560 Controllers when Using Fibre
Channel and iSCSI
For duplex controller-drive trays, you replace both controllers. For simplex controller-drive trays, you
replace the one controller. In both cases, you must power off the controller-drive tray. As a result, you
cannot access data on the storage array until you successfully complete the replacement.
If your storage array participates in remote volume mirroring, only iSCSI or Fibre Channel
connections are supported between the primary site and the remote site. If the HIC configuration in
your new controllers does not include iSCSI or Fibre Channel connections, remote volume mirroring
will not be supported.
For Asynchronous Mirroring, the local storage array and remote storage array can run different
versions of firmware. The minimum firmware version supported is SANtricity firmware version 7.84.
If you order a new controller, it will normally be shipped without a battery installed. When possible,
you should remove the battery from your old controller and then install that battery in the new
controller. However, for some controller upgrades, the battery from the old controller is not
compatible with the new controller. In those cases, you must order a battery along with your new
controller, and have that battery available before you begin these tasks.