Owners Manual
Quantum Energy Technologies
3d.2: Flow Switch
A flow switch is already installed on the water inlet line to shut down the unit if water flow is
interrupted. The minimum flow rate required to close the switch is about 40LPM.
3d.3: Water Connections
The inlet and outlet connections are copper, or PVC thread connections, respectively. The sizes of
the connections are DN40mm. The water inlet and outlet are marked on the outside of the unit.
3e: Condenser Water and Water Flow
3e.1: Water Flow
Condenser flow rate should fall between the minimum and maximum values shown in section
2d.1 Physical Data Table. Too high a flow rate outside of these limits will result in a lower
temperature rise and a high pressure drop. Too low a flow rate will reduce the heat transfer and
heat pump’s performance.
3e.2: Water Heater Applications
It is imperative that the correct chemical balance be maintained in the water to be heated. As a
guide the following parameters should be used: -
Calcium Hardness 70 - 150 mg/L
3e.3: Pool Heater Applications
It is imperative that the correct chemical balance be maintained in your pool and/or spa water.
Excessive sanitiser can damage your pool heater. As a guide the following parameters should be
Free Chlorine:
0.3 - 0.5 mg/L
3e.4: Building Heater Applications
It is imperative that the correct chemical balance be maintained in your pool and/or spa water. As a
guide the following parameters should be used: -
7 - 10
Total Alkalinity:
80 - 120 p.p.m.
Calcium Hardness
70 - 150 mg/L
3f: Pool Heater
For the 67ACPX-X series (Pool Heater) although the units can also be installed directly into the
existing filtration circuit, it is recommended to fit a by-pass circuit before the unit (see Figure 5).
For pool heating, the heat exchanger
be installed before (up stream from) the sanitisation
system not after (down stream) – see figures 5. This is to avoid high concentrations of sanitiser
being passed through the heat exchanger, which may corrode it and void the warranty.
Document Number : QDC0049PD-5
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