14 Maintenance
To help ensure long, trouble-free operation:
Always inspect fiber-optic connectors before using them and clean them if necessary.
Keep the unit free of dust.
Store the unit at room temperature in a clean and dry area. Keep the unit out of direct sunlight.
Avoid high humidity or significant temperature fluctuations.
Avoid unnecessary shocks and vibrations.
If any liquids are spilled on or into the unit, power off the chassis immediately. Remove the unit and allow to dry completely.
The use of controls, adjustments, and procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to hazardous situations or impair the
protection provided by this unit.
14.1 Annual calibration schedule
To ensure that the unit is performing as expected, we recommend it is re-calibrated every 12 months. As an optical product will naturally degrade over
time, it is important to periodically re-test the unit, to confirm that it is working to specification.
All Quantifi Photonics products are calibrated during manufacture, and each product is shipped to the customer with a Calibration Certificate. On this
certificate, the calibration date, as well as the next calibration due date are mentioned.
We recommend your product is returned for re-calibration before the listed due date, to ensure continued performance of the product. For re-
calibration service information, or to send in a product for re-calibration service, email
If the Calibration Certificate has been misplaced, or the calibration due date is not known, email
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