4. Solder motor leads to ESCs. **Be sure to place new heat-‐shrink tubing on assembly prior to soldering the motor
leads**. Next, re-‐shrink-‐wrap and secure ESCs to Base plate arms using zip-‐ties.
5. Attach four (4) 10mm Hex standoffs on Base Plate center holes using M3 screws. Attach FrSKY D4R-‐II to bottom
plate using mounting tape; antennae should run toward the rear. If you intend to use FrSKY telemetry, be sure to
provide adequate access to the 4-‐pin JST-‐XH connector.
6. Mount QuadRevo PowerOSD on Hex standoffs (over the top of the D4R-‐II); power terminals should closer to the
front of the multi-‐rotor. Trim and solder Red ESC leads to Positive terminal bar and Black ESC leads to Negative
terminal bar; suggested routing shown below. Leave space on the PDB rails for additional power connections for
Naze32, lighting, and voltage monitoring.