Understanding which system you have:
Basic 1point:
Toggle switch mounted on the backside of the tank assembly, one jack, one pump.
Standard 1point:
Hard wired weatherproof control switch, one jack, one pump.
Wireless 1point:
Wireless key fob & emergency switch inside tank, one jack, one pump.
Standard Slave:
Hard wired weatherproof control switch, two jacks, one pump, does not adjust side to side.
Wireless Slave:
Wireless key fob & emergency switch inside tank, two jacks, one pump, does not adjust side to side.
Standard 2point:
Hard wired weatherproof control switch, two jacks, two pumps, can level from side to side.
Location of your tank assembly:
Direct mount:
This is when the tank assembly is bolted directly to the cylinder bracket either utilizing the cylinder mounting
bolts or the supplied full threaded bolts. This set-up is recommended due to the fact that the hoses are shorter
decreasing the chances of a hose being damaged.
Remote mount:
If the tank cannot be mounted to one of the cylinders then a remote mount is required. You can choose to
directly bolt your tank to the vehicle frame or cross-member, some securely fasten the tank inside a storage box.
Or you can choose to order another bracket that can be welded or bolted to the vehicle.
Location of your cylinders:
Trailer Front:
Single or Dual cylinder systems should have the front cylinders on the exposed A-frame of the trailer or on
structural frame near the front, take care not to interrupt the ground clearance of the trailer during
transportation (pulling into parking lots, etc.).
Trailer Rear:
Mount behind furthest rear axle, tuck close as possible to axle and axle suspension components without
interfering with their moving parts (Ex. Leaf sprint perch). Take care not to interrupt the ground clearance of the
trailer during transportation (pulling into parking lots, etc.). If there is a slide out on the trailer, modification to
the mounting bracket may be necessary or call to order deeper bracket, etc.