Operation Manual
Page 8
3. Back Panel
The back panel for both devices, like the front, shares some common
elements. Here's an abstract schematic, showing the main regions.
Fig.3.a. The Jackbox back panel abstract design for both devices.
Individual Outputs: Jackbox Devices, expose a set of separate audio
outputs, one for each fader of the front panel. Therefore the outputs
are labelled after the front fader names, and will carry out their
audio signal if -and only if- they are connected.
If an audio output is left disconnected, the signal from its owning
fader is passed through the main volume, and finally to the main
Level CV Inputs: Under each audio output, there is a CV Input jack,
that allows you to control the volume of that output, from an
external CV source.
The Level CV Input will accept bipolar signals, that will be summed to
the current volume of the owning fader.
Gate Ins & Outs: Jackbox units also expose a set of gate inputs and
outputs, at the back. There is one pair (in & out) for each available
drum sound.
Gate Ins, allow you to trigger single drum sounds using an
external sequencer.
Gate Outs, allow you to connect trigger inputs from other
devices, so that they can be controlled whenever a drum sound
is played.