Positioning the Front Loudspeakers
The Revela 2 model is designed to be floorstanding. We suggest that they are positioned at least 200mm from the rear walls
and 700mm from the side walls, facing slightly inwards. The Revela 1 model should be stand or wall mounted though they
may be placed on a rigid shelf. The bass extension will improve if the small speakers are operated closer to the rear wall.
If the loudspeakers are placed too close to the walls the bass will increase but may be boomy and indistinct. If the
loudspeakers are placed away from the walls, the inward angle may be increased by up to 40%, although this may restrict
the width of the optimum listening position.
A useful rule of thumb is that the listener should be as for from the loudspeakers as they are from each other. The speakers
should ideally be positioned so that the treble units are roughly at ear level to s seated listener. As personal taste plays a
large role, experiment with different configurations and play a wide range of programmes before finalising the position of
your speakers.
2 - 4 metres
Revela 1
>50 mm
Revela 2
>200 mm