20: Freeze Button:
Button that, when pressed, will freeze the voltage values present at the
Discrete, Wavetable, Blend, Burst, Digital Noise
Rhythm Outputs.
If the button is illuminated,
is enabled.
If the button is unilluminated, Freeze is disabled.
When frozen, the voltage present at the
Smooth Output
will continue to move to its
destination until it arrives, at which point it will wait for the
Coin Toss Button
to be
pressed or to be unfrozen before seeding a new destination.
When frozen, the voltage present at the
Discrete Output
will immediately stop updating.
Pressing the
Coin Toss Button
will select a new discrete voltage.
When frozen, the currently selected wavetable present at the
Wavetable Output
continues to run at the clock rate that was last chosen before being frozen.
Pressing the
Coin Toss Button
will select a new random wavetable and rhythmic
division or multiplication.
When frozen, the voltage present at the
Blend Output
adopts the behaviors of the
three previously mentioned algorithms based on the currently selected
When frozen, the clock source does not pass to the
Clock Output.
Instead, pressing the
Coin Toss Button
will emit a 20ms gate signal from the
When frozen, the
Burst Output
will continue to output triggers until it has either
reached the end of its burst stream or has been reseeded.
When frozen, only the
Coin Toss Button
will reseed the frequencies of the digital noise.
When frozen, clock inputs are ignored and the
Rhythm Output
continues to function at
the last selected division or multiplication before freezing.
If a multiplication was randomly selected, it will continue to repeat until the
Coin Toss
is pressed or
is disabled.
If a division is selected, one trigger will emit until the number of reseeds equaling the
factor of the division has been received.
21. Freeze Input:
Gate input for Freeze.