background image

Power In




Stereo Input

Right           Left





Power In



Stereo Input

Right           Left

PC Sound Card Line Out

VCR, CD etc. Line Out or Tape Deck "Play"

(Note: will not work  with Turntable. See 1c.)

Amp or receiver & speakers

AC Power Adaptor

Tape or CD Player
Line Out or
Headphone Out


Supplied Cable

Existing Cable


Multimedia Speakers

Power In



Stereo Input

Right           Left

AC Power Adaptor


Supplied Cable

Existing Phono Cable







1. Turn on the UltraQ unit, using the Power Switch (B). The Power 

Indicator (A) should light. If not, check your power adaptor. 

2. Turn on the rest of your equipment.

3. Adjust the playback volume to a suitable level and start playback 

from your sound source. 

4. Adjust the UltraQ settings according to the following guidelines.

Expansion Mode Switch (C)

This switch provides two effect settings. The Music setting is 
recommended for listening to CD audio, while the Game setting 
provides more extreme expansion suitable for sound effects.

The Translation Mode Switch (D)

Bypass defeats the QSound effect and passes the input signal 
directly to the output.  (Power must still be present.)

QMono provides a Mono-to-3D function that synthesizes a QSound 
3D stereo signal from mono or stereo input. (In this mode, any 
stereo signals are combined to mono before being processed.)

QStereo provides a Stereo-to-3D mode, in which true stereo 
signals will be translated to a wide QSound 3D image while the 
respective positions of various component sounds is retained. 
(Mono signals will be essentially unaffected in this mode.)  

QAuto automatically chooses QMono or QStereo mode according 
to the nature of the input signal. The Stereo Detector (E) indicates 
that the input signal is stereo. This shows which mode will be 
selected by the automatic feature, and may also be used as a guide 
for manual mode selection. Note that a stereo signal 

naturally has 

brief periods of mono; it is normal for the Stereo Detector to turn on 
and off when monitoring stereo content. If automatic switching 
occurs frequently, you may wish to select QStereo mode.

If your receiver or amplifier has a spare set of tape deck jacks, 
connect the Output or "Rec" left and right tape jacks to the UltraQ 
left and right input jacks using a dual phono-to-phono cable. Then 
connect the amp Input or "Play" left and right tape jacks (phono) to 
the UltraQ output (mini) using the supplied cable (5).

Now select "Tape Monitor" mode for the tape deck connectors you 
have used on your amp or receiver. (See your amp manual.) Now all 
sources including radio and turntable can be selected as you 
normally do and UltraQ will enhance every signal in your system!

UltraQ Guide Rev. 2.0 07/97

1. Connecting UltraQ

1a. Connecting to a Mini Plug System

2. Using UltraQ

UltraQ is designed to be inserted between the 

sound source (computer, CD player, etc.) and a pair of amplified ("powered") speakers or a 

suitable stereo amplifier / speaker combination. It is a 

line level device, meaning that is intended to work with the intermediate signal levels 

common in audio systems.  UltraQ is not intended to drive unpowered speakers directly.

The most common connectors used for audio are the 3.5mm 

mini plug and the phono plug.  The mini plug is usually stereo, that is, one 

connector carries both left and right signals. The phono plug is only capable of connecting a single signal, so in stereo audio systems 
phono plugs are always used in pairs. They are often are colour-coded, e.g. black for left and red for right. The 

barrel plug is never used for 

audio connections but is almost exclusively used for AC power adaptors.

UltraQ uses phono-style jacks (panel connectors) for input and a 3.5mm mini jack for output. It is supplied with an audio connection cable 
(5) having a 3.5mm mini plug at one end, and two phono plugs at the other. In most cases this combination will allow you to connect to all 
common audio systems. Certain situations may require additional cables or adaptors.

The diagram at left shows the UltraQ connection panel. 

The UltraQ AC power adaptor (6)  connects at (1).

Use the supplied cable (5) to connect your sound 
source (mini plug) to the UltraQ input (phono 
plugs). Make sure the Red phono plug goes to 
the Right UltraQ input (3) and the Black phono 
plug goes to the Left input (4). Then use your 
existing mini-plug-to-mini-plug cable to connect 
your amplified speakers to the UltraQ output (2).

Connect the AC power adaptor (6) to a wall socket 
and the UltraQ Power In jack (1) and you're done!

Connect the AC power adaptor (6) to a wall socket 
and the UltraQ Power In jack (1) and you're done!

If your receiver or amplifier has an unused set of 
tape deck connectors (usually marked "Play" and 
"Rec") you can use these to connect UltraQ  so 
that it will work with 

all the sound sources you 

have available. See section 1c.

1b. Connecting to a Phono Plug System

1c. The "Tape Loop" Connection Method

First use your existing phono-to-phono cable  
to connect your sound source output to the 
UltraQ input, matching left and right. Then 
use the supplied cable (5) to connect the 
UltraQ output (mini plug) to your receiver or 
amplifier (phono plugs - Red for Right, Black 
for Left). Use the same input on your 
amplifier that your tape deck, VCR, CD 
player, game console, etc. was previously 
connected to.

Sound Source


Amplifier / Speakers





UltraQ should not be connected to the output of a power amplifier. Serious damage may result!

3.5mm mini plug (stereo)

phono plug

barrel plug

The UltraQ power adaptor produces 12VAC. Use of any other 
AC adaptor may cause malfunction or damage to the unit!

Output to your amplifier or amplified speakers is available from the 3.5mm mini jack at (2), while the right and left input signals from your 
sound source connect at the phono jacks (3) and (4) respectively.
