Quantum Engineer Operation Manual, Ver. 2.0.1
19 September 2006
Locomotive Feature Keys
Load On/Off
Once you enter the Load value into Programming Option #2
(POP 2) and return to Run Mode, you can toggle this Load value on or off in
Neutral with the
Load On/Off
key. When Load is off, the locomotive will
accelerate or decelerate at its Intrinsic Inertia value.
Operation while in Neutral
Press the
Load On/Off
button once in Neutral to turn on the Load. You
will hear a Long Air Let-off.
Double-press the
Load On/Off
button in Neutral to turn off the Load.
You will hear a coupler clink.
Labored sounds (Sound-of-Power
) are increased when Load is
on and the locomotive is accelerating.
while Moving
selected and the locomotive is moving in Forward or Reverse,
pressing the
Load On/Off
button will apply or remove a “Heavy Load” to the
locomotive. This represents a train that would take over ten to fifteen
minutes to accelerate to full speed or to coast to a complete stop. You can
apply “Heavy Load” as soon as you start moving or wait until you are up to
Press the
Load On/Off
button once in Forward or Reverse to turn on
Heavy Load
Hear a single Horn or Whistle hoot.
Double-press the
Load On/Off
button in Forward or Reverse to turn off
Heavy Load
Hear a double Horn or Whistle hoot.
Heavy Load does not require you to program any Load values in
POP 2.
If you apply Air Brakes while in Heavy Load, the locomotive will
return to operation using the programmed Load setting in POP 2.
Be aware that once Heavy Load is turned on, the throttle will
have little effect in changing the speed of the train. If you turn the
throttle up, you will hear very intense Sound of Power effects or if you
turn the throttle down, you will hear very subdued Sound of Power
Load On/Off has no effect under STC.
If you turn the throttle down too far, the train will slow quickly as the available power to the track falls below
the level that is necessary for RTC to operate.