The following is a list of operational issues when changing between Diesel and Turbine Mode:
After the Turbine whoosh starts reducing, the Diesel locomotive will continue at maximum RPM for 36 seconds to model the Turbine cool down
Cooling fans and vent opening sounds only occur in Diesel Mode.
Mars Light, Air Pumps, Cooling Fans and other Neutral Sounds will be suspended during transition from Turbine Mode to Diesel Mode or from
Diesel Mode to Turbine Mode, like the prototype.
If locomotive is in Turbine Mode or Diesel Mode when power is shut off, the engine will power up in the same Mode when power is reapplied.
If locomotive is at any point in transition from Turbine to Diesel Mode, it will power up in full Diesel Mode when power is reapplied with standard
rapid diesel start up sounds.
If locomotive is in Turbine Mode or in transition from Diesel to Turbine Mode when power is shut off, Turbine sounds will sequence through
rapid turn on operation instead of artificially and abruptly producing full Turbine sounds when power is reapplied.
If the locomotive is in any point in the transition from Diesel Mode to Turbine Mode, and the throttle is turned up to leave Neutral, the locomotive
will terminate Diesel/Turbine transition and rapidly enter full Turbine operation in Turbine Mode.
If the locomotive is at any point in the transition from Turbine Mode to Diesel Mode, and the throttle is turned up to leave Neutral, locomotive will
terminate Turbine/Diesel transition and enter Diesel Mode.
A Software Reset (soft reset) in Analog or DCC will not change from Diesel Mode to Turbine Mode or from Turbine Mode to Diesel Mode. A
Hardware Reset using the jumper will always return the locomotive to Diesel Mode.
It is disallowed to move back and forth between Turbine and Diesel Mode when the locomotive is in transition between either Mode. The
transition process must be completed before another transition can be initiated.
Transition from Diesel to Turbine Mode or transition from Turbine to Diesel Mode will only happen in Neutral. Neither the Turbine/Diesel
transition by a coded horn (four short horn hoots) or the F7 key will have any affect on changing modes in Forward or Reverse.
The coded horn Turbine/Diesel Mode toggle can be disabled in DCC in CV 52.2 bit 1. Enable =1 (default) and Disable =0.
Your Gas Turbine locomotive will produce labored sounds under acceleration and lighter sounds under deceleration but only if CV 3, or CV 23
and CV 4, or CV 24 are set to non-zero positive values. The level of labored sounds is proportional to the values for these four CV’s, and how
much the throttle is increased or decreased. Labored sounds will be heard in either Diesel or Turbine Mode.
Diesel Motor RPM:
Quantum has eight Diesel Motor throttle “notches” found on most prototype locomotives. As you increase the throttle, you
will hear the RPM’s increase for every increase in ten speed steps (at 128 speed step setting). Idle is considered Notch 1 and occurs for speed
step 0. Notch 2 ranges from 1 to 10, Notch 3 from 11 to 20, Notch 4 from 21 to 30, etc. If your controller has an option to increment or
decrement your throttle set setting by ten speed steps, it is very easy and predicable to set your notch value.
Turbine Whine and Whoosh will change with the throttle only slightly over the entire throttle range since the turbine was often run near full RMP
at all times. Although the changes in Turbine sound are not as dramatic as changes in diesel RPM’s or volume, they are nevertheless quite
Directional Lighting Operation (F0 or FL or Headlight)
The FL (or F0, or Headlight) key toggles the Directional Headlight/Reverse
on or off.
The defaults for Headlight/Reverse Directional Lights are off. When toggled on, the Directional Lights
operate according to the table below.
Directional Lighting Operation in DCC and Analog with Mars Light Option
Neutral from Forward
Neutral from Reverse
Reverse Light
Number Board lights and Cab light are on whenever track power is applied and are not under the control of the Quantum System.
Both the tender Reverse Light and locomotive Reverse Light will operate whenever locomotive is in Reverse. These lamps are wired together when
tender is plugged in and are not under separate Quantum control.
Explicit lighting control features for Headlight, Reverse Light and Mars Light can be assigned to DCC function outputs. (See QSI DCC Reference Manual, version 3)
Quantum uses constant voltage lighting that is independent of track voltage.
Gas Turbine Locomotive Q1R Operation Manual Version 3.0
14 March 2006