Mount the Loudspeaker
Refer to Figure 5.
1. Make sure all of the dog-ears are fully extended and in their non-capture position.
2. Position the loudspeaker into the hole prepared in the ceiling.
3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to tighten each of the three dog-ear screws.
4. As you tighten the screws, the dog-ears will swing into capture position over the c eiling. Be sure all dog-ears are properly positioned over the ceiling.
5. Tighten the dog-ears until firm contact is made with the ceiling surface.
Do not overtighten the dog-ear screws! Insert the grille's safety tether pin into the supplied hole on the loudspeaker baffle and install the grille.
Dog-ears against loudspeaker
Turn the screw clockwise to engage
the dog-ear with the ceiling.
— Figure 5 —