SideKar Extreme User Manual rev 2.1 Page 76 of 87
Updating the Firmware
The SideKar Extreme firmware is able to be upgraded via the
“PC” Micro USB port. Please contact us via the
www.QRPworks.com Contact page if an update is needed.
The SideKar Extreme is not just a larger screen. Inside is a
PIC microcontroller. It is a computer on a chip, complete with
CPU, memory, and EEPROM. Firmware running on the
microcontroller controls the presentation and all functions of the
SideKar Extreme.
There’s a lot of stuff going on!
If for any reason you have questions or issues regarding the
SideKar Extreme, please contact us via the
www.QRPworks.com Contact page.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Sierra Radio Systems
for the use and support of their Hamstack C library.