SideKar Extreme User Manual rev 2.1 Page 4 of 87
Thank you for your purchase of the QRPworks SideKar
Its purpose is to enhance your operating experience whether
portable or in your home shack.
It can be used with any rig, but has specific interfaces to the:
Elecraft KX3 / KX2 / K3 / K3S
Yaesu FT817 / FT-818 / FT-857 / FT-897
QRP Labs QCX family of rigs
These interfaces provide rig-specific features that are detailed
later in this manual.
In a nutshell for all rigs,
It is a message generator, allowing you to send up to 20
messages you have defined, with just a keystroke.
It is a log, with space for 1000 QSOs
The log will automatically be populated with the current
date and time, so you don’t have to enter it.
It is an ADIF export tool, allowing you to export your logged
QSOs in a standard ADIF format, which can then be
imported into most commercially available logs,
It is a log for events, such as Summits on the Air (SOTA),
Parks on the Air,
ARRL’s Field Day, etc.
It is portable, with a sunlight readable display.
It is a low current device, using little of your battery capacity
It can operate with a USB wired or wireless keyboard.
It contains the popular WinKeyer, and allows you to change
the keying mode, speed, paddle dits/dahs easily from a
keyboard. The keyer can be used with
any rig
with a
straight key input.