Version: 13. Sepe
er 2004
Please note, that increasing to > 9 and decreasing to < 0 will produce an
If the wanted programming is done, store the value by pressing both Up-/
Down keys at the same time for short. This way the shift stays storaged
even if the device is switched off. The storage may be overwritten by a new
programming at any time.
Now, the shift is programmed and the processor changes to programming a
multiplicator. Speaky doesn’t need this. So we let it at a value of 1 and go
ahead storing it.
To store the multiplicator press both Up-/Down keys at the same time for a
short. To confirm the successful storing on the display occurs „saved“.
Now, switch off the counter and set the DIP-Switches 3 and 4 to OFF. After
that the counter may be switched on again and a mode can be selected
using the settings of Table 1.
Building up the Counter
[ ] C1103 10n
[ ] C2103 10n
[ ] C3104 100n
[ ] C7104 100n
[ ] C8104 100n
[ ] C9104 100n
[ ] C4104 100n
[ ] C5
[ ] C6
[ ] C10
47µ rad
[ ] C11
Folia trimmer green
[ ] R1
[ ] R2
[ ] R3
[ ] R7
[ ] R4
[ ] R5
[ ] R6
[ ] T1
[ ] T2
At the power regulator chip IC3 the terminals must turned backward by
90°. Backward means away
from the labelled side.
[ ] IC3
[ ] Socket IC1 74HC00
[ ] Socket IC2 16F84A
[ ] D1 N4148
[ ] D2 1N4146
[ ] P1 1 x 10k (Piher PT10)
[ ] Resistor-Array 1
5x4k7 CAUTION PIN 1 must point to the PCB edge!
[ ] DIP-Switch 1
4 position (ON shows to the middle of the PCB)
[ ] Crystal 4 MHz
The pins of the following keys are arranged in rectangle form instead in
square. Keep attention to place them on the PCB in the right way.
[ ] S1
Key (working contact)
[ ] S2
Key (working contact)
[ ] J1
Plug 2 positions
[ ] J2
Plug 2 positions
[ ] J3
Plug 2 positions
The following PCB connector must be adjusted carefully. The long pins are
put through the PCB from the soldering side and soldered on the compo-
nent side. It is very important, that the Plug is soldered exactly at a 90°
angle. This can be made easily if one pin is soldered first and during that
the plug is aligned exactly. Then the soldering of the other pins may follow.
Building in that connector is a little tricky to reach the right distance.
Press the connector pins through the holes until the plastic body touches
the PCB. Now all pins will be soldered one by one. After all pins are solde-
red tie the plastic body away from the pins as long as the are still warm.
This is easy if you use a little screwdriver as a lever.