Version: 13. September 2004
Now the transformer should look
like the following drawing. To the
left two wire ends, to the right
three, counting the twisted part as
one wire
Solder all 5 ends and mount the
transformer. Every wire end
should be in its proper place for
the pc board.
[ ] Tr5
double hole core BN43-202 G/H 2/3
That‘s that! Now follows the rest of the transmitter output parts
[ ] pin 35
Now the RFC for the PA power supply. Wind 10 turns of 0.5 mm lacquered
copper wire well distributed over an Amidon FT50-43. Take note of the
necessary geometry.
[ ] Dr8 Amidon FT50-43
That should be all. The rest is just trimming. Instead of another section
test, I recommend that the pc board is mounted into the box, and all
peripheral parts are wired and soldered. The open construction of the box
leaves access to both sides of the pc board. I found a test without box, and
with live wires too risky.
If you follow our advice, then continue preparing the front and back of the
box as you want them or according to our template. Mount potentiometers,
switches and the pc board. Mount the pc board BELOW the frame, to leave
enough room for the peripheral parts.