After Installing
the Host
VMS Interface for QMS Crown Printers
After Installing the Host
After host software installation, ensure that the system boot file calls
the printer start-up file. For example, for VMS Version 5 systems, the
SYS$SYSROOT: SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file should include this line:
If the printer is part of a VAXcluster system, ensure that all other
members of the cluster include the call to the
QMS$START_QUEUE.COM in their start-up files. For VMS systems,
include this line in each member's start-up file:
If you saved predefined set-up files by moving them from the
old device control library during the software update, you must be
sure to move them back to the QMS$DEVCTL20.TLB library using
the following commands:
$ library/insert/text -
_$ module_name.tmp
A Device Control Library update utility has been provided in the
sys$common:[sysmgr] directory. To run this procedure, type
$ @sys$common:[sysexe]qms$update_lib
This procedure provides a user-friendly method of copying
library modules from one Device Control Library to another. Additional
information is displayed to the user when this procedure is run.
See chapter 5, “Printing Your Files,” for more information about set-up