Programming Instructions
I. Overview
Three card levels are available for the operation of the lock.
Main-Admin card
The Main-Admin card is required only when programming and deprogramming Admin cards.
The Main-Admin card has no locking function
Admin card
The Admin card manages the user cards
The Admin card has an emergency unlock function
User card
The User card is made available to users so that they can open and close the door
User Mode
Before programming, select the most appropriate function for the application:
Private Use
each user has their own lock that is synced to their user card that will only work with that
specific lock.
Note: this is the default factory setting.
Public Use
used for short term, multi user applications. Any card will work with any available lock.
Note: when locked in public mode a red light will flash every 5 seconds to indicate the locker is in use
Change from Private use into Public use:
Hold Main admin card to lock for 1-2 seconds (green light flashes 3 times), then repeat again for 3 seconds until
green light flashes, setup successfully.
Repeat the above process to switch back to Private use.
How to operate the lock
Open : Present the User card / Admin card to the lock, green light flashes, rotate the handle 90 degrees in a
clockwise direction, open the door
Close: Present the User card / Admin card to the lock or wait for 5 seconds after opening, the lock will lock
automatically, rotate the handle 90 degrees counter clockwise.
RFID cards with the RFID LOCK
The RFID cards activate various functions when they are presented to the lock.
Programming Main-Admin cards:
- Hold the Main-Admin card in front of the lock for 1~2 seconds (green light flashes 3 times) wait approximately
5 seconds, setup successfully.
www.qilocks.com [email protected] +44 (0)20 8906 6881