EZCAP_QT is software developed by QHYCCD. This software has basic capture functions for QHYCCD deep sky cameras.
Run EZCAP_QT. Click “Connect” in Menu -> Camera. If the camera is successfully connected, the title line of EZCAP_QT
will display the camera firmware version and the camera ID as shown below.
Click “Temperature Control” in “Camera Settings” to set the temperature of the CMOS sensor. You can turn on “Auto” to
set the target temperature. For example, here we set the target temperature to -10C. The temperature of the CMOS sensor
will drop quickly to this temperature (approximately 2-3 minutes). If you want to turn off cooling, you can choose Stop. If
you just want to set the TEC power but not the temperature. You can select “Manual” and then set the percentage of the
TEC power.
You can use the “preview tab” to preview and use the focus tool to focus. Then use the “capture tab” to capture the image.
Launch SharpCap. If the software and drivers mentioned above are installed successfully, the video image will appear
automatically about 3 seconds after the software loads. You will also see the frame rate in the lower left corner of the
software window as shown below.