Well Wizard®
Installation and Operation Manual
Rev. A 2-1-2018
If you’ve received a set of preassembled dedicated components, you’ll find that
unpacking them and installing them is easy when you follow the following
instructions. Because not everyone needs to read this whole section, the first section
helps you decide which of the other sections you need to read.
If, instead of preassembled components you’ve received unassembled components
and bulk tubing, read the section titled “Installing a Pump Using Bulk Tubing.”
Unpack the Components
Here’s how to unpack the Well Wizard® dedicated components.
If you need to install a Well Wizard system in more than one well, decide
which well you want to do first. Then find the box of components with the correct
well-identification number written on the outside of the box.
Open the box, then before unpacking the rest of the box, put on a pair of
latex gloves. Check your shipment against your order confirmation and packing
list. Make certain every component you ordered is there, and familiarize yourself
with how components go together before you go to the field.
Carry the box to the well site.
Put on a pair of latex gloves before touching any of the pump components.
Touching well components with your bare hands can contaminate the components
and degrade the quality of the samples obtained using the Well Wizard system, and
at any time when your hands might touch a water contacting component.
Taking care to
not kink the tubing
, gently remove the plastic wrapped
pump and tubing from the box. A label on the package provides the
well cap ID, cap, and tubing length. You may need this information later,
so save the label.
The plastic bag also contains the lab-clean certificate on which is
recorded the pump batch serial number. Keep this tag for each pump you install.
It’s your proof that the pump is contaminant free - if you need to, you can call QED
with the serial number to find out which lab certified the pump.
Open the plastic wrapping, then gently slide the pump out of the bag.
Installing the Components