– Optional
Your QCA SPAVAC™ can be used with garden
hose pressure or provided vacuum hose. Your
QCA Majestic Spa is equipped with a wall
skimmer. For use with garden hose, the
SPAVAC™ is equipped with a fine mesh screen
bag which can be easily cleaned after use. For use
with the vacuum hose, remove bag from the
suction chamber, vac hose adaptor is then snapped
into place. All debris will be removed through
filter system.
Spa Care and Maintenance
It is recommended to completely drain the spa at
least four times a year. Otherwise, the water
becomes chemically "saturated" and no longer
responds to regular chemical upkeep. The spa
should also be drained before long periods of
disuse, or for equipment repair.
Draining of Water
Because of the small water volumes involved with
spas, sometimes it is much simpler and less
expensive to drain the water than to adjust the
water chemistry with chemical additives. To drain
the spa, shut off the main breaker to your spa
equipment pack. Use a wet/ dry vac to remove the
remaining amount of water.
Options for Draining the Water
Simply siphon water from spa with garden
A sump pump may be used to pump water from
Refilling your Spa
1. Shut off the main breaker to your spa
equipment pack.
2. Fill spa with water.
3. Turn Power back on, spa will automatically
start to run and heat water to set temperature.
Your Water Care Program
Before adding chemicals to your spa, do a full
water analysis with a test kit or ask your QCA Spa
dealer to conduct the water test for you.
Step 1: Always have the circulation system
running before adding any chemicals. As you fill
your spa to the level recommended by the
manufacturer, add cleaning agent to prevent metal
staining and to protect equipment against scale and
corrosion. Circulate for one hour.
Step 2: "Balance" the water so that it is neither
alkaline (scale forming) nor acidic (corrosive).
Balanced spa water should be 7.2 - 7.8 on the pH
scale, with total alkalinity (the measure of the
ability of water to resist a change in pH) in the
range of 80-120 parts per million (ppm).
A. If pH is lower than 7.2, add pH UP
B. If pH is higher than 7.8, add pH DOWN
If total alkalinity is below 80, add
Step 3: Shock treats the water with non chlorine
shock to destroy any organic contaminants that
may have accumulated in the spa during filling.
Step 4: Add Clarifier to keep water sparkling clear.
Circulate one hour.
Step 5: Prepare your disinfectant dispenser or
feeder for use according to directions. A bromine
residual of 2.0 - 4.0 ppm, as determined by your
test kit, should be maintained at all times.
Directions for using the bromine are indicated on
e float ring.
We suggest you follow a regular maintenance
program to keep your spa water fresh and crystal
Daily Checklist
1. Test for proper bromine level. Replenish spa
floater dispenser or feeder with bromine tabs as
needed. Proper bromine level should be
maintained at 2.0 - 4.0 ppm.
2. Test pH levels and adjust if needed. If you are
having difficulty-keeping pH properly
balanced, it may be an indication that total
alkalinity needs adjusting. Have your dealer
test the water and adjust if needed.
Weekly Checklist
1. Add Clarifier to help the filter remove small
particles and to retain water clarity.
2. Add Chelating Agent to protect your
equipment against stains, scale and rust.
3. For spas located outdoors or subject to a great
deal of sunlight add Algaecide to guard against
4. Shock your spa weekly with Oxidizer to
remove contaminants such as ammonia, body
oils and foreign matter. Unless spa water is
routinely shock treated, contaminants will
accumulate to cause eye and skin irritation,
odors and cloudy dull water appearance.
5. To eliminate and prevent foaming, add a small
amount of NON FOAM as needed.
General Guidelines
• Add only small amounts of each chemical at a
time until the desired value is achieved. Do not
exceed dosage rates on label directions.
• Keep spa free of debris and cover spa when not
in use.
• Circulate the water for 2-4 hours each day to
maintain proper filtration. Clean your filter
with FILTER CLEANER every 1-2 months.
• Remove oils and grease around water line with
a cleaner on a weekly basis.
• In heavily used spas, water should be drained
and refilled every two months or whenever it
becomes difficult to maintain proper chemical