Qables iQubeV2 User Manual Download Page 4

Charge LED II:

The green LED next to the gain switch indicates the status of the charging.
Fully lit:  The batteries are nearly empty and are being charged;
Gradually dimming: The charge in the batteries is increasing as the LED dim;
Very dimly lit: The main charging has finished and the iQube is dripple charging the batteries;
Out: There is no charger connected to the iQube.
The unit cannot operate properly when  connected to a charger  without batteries installed!

Gain switch:

The iQube’s gain can be adjusted between High- and Low gain to accommodate the use of differ-
ent impedance headphones.
Low gain is typical for low impedance headphones and High gain is typical for high impedance 


Rear view

Connection terminals from the left to the right:



This is to connect an analogue input source, for example a mp3 player or a CD player.

Mini USB digital- and charge input:

This is to connect your unit to the USB output of a computer or laptop. The unit will switch auto-
matically from analogue to digital signal input when connected.
When connected the unit will be automatically charged. Please allow for overnight charging to 
reach maximum charged batteries.
You can also use this input to only charge the unit by using the same cable and connect it to a 
wall adapter having a USB charger output. 
Do not connect the unit to any other source then an USB output as this may cause harm to the 
unit. If a charge is applied to the unit via de mini USB input the analogue part will be automati-
cally switched off. The unit will only play through USB.
So you cannot simultaneously charge the unit and listen to the analogue input.


This is to connect your headphones.
