User Manual for Commercial Series Net DVR
6.6 Video Parameters Setup
For different cameras and different backgrounds, in order to get the best video image, you
may need to adjust video parameters such as brightenss, saturation, contrast and hue, etc.
You can setup the cameras individually, and you can copy the video parameters of one
camera to any other cameras. Here are the setup steps:
Step 1: Enter into “Image Setup” menu:
Step 2: Select camera:
Please use
keys to select one camera.
Step 3: Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and hue:
Move “Active Frame” to the
“Adjust” button on the right side of Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and Hue, press
key, you will enter into the corresponding adjust interface. In the adjust interface, there is one
scroll bar at the bottom, you can use
keys to adjust and the video image will be changed
at the same time. When you are satisfied with the real time video image, press
to return
“Image Setup” menu.
Step 4:
You can copy the video parameters of the current camera to any other cameras. Or
you can repeat setp2 and step3 to adjust for any other camera.
After adjust, in “Image Setup” menu, press “Confirm” button to save parameters and make
them effective. Otherwise, perss “Cancel” button or
key to abort modification.