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Resolving Problems with the Camera
Computer Does Not Recognize Newly Installed Camera
Confirm that the latest PVCAM camera driver is installed on the computer while also checking to make sure
the computer meets the minimum system configuration requirements to run the Retiga ELECTRO camera.
Confirm that the camera’s power is on and the DC power supply is plugged in. The fan used to remove heat
from the sensors Peltier cooler will generate a slow airflow that can be felt if the camera power is on.
If necessary, restart the computer and repeat the power on cycle. If a New Hardware Found dialog box still
does not appear, contact QImaging Support.
Images Not Displayed
If no images appear:
Confirm that the camera’s power is on.
Confirm that the correct Retiga ELECTRO camera is selected in your imaging software application.
Power off the camera and the host computer and check all system connections. Restart.
Confirm that the camera is operational by taking an image with a standard C-mount lens attached
to your Retiga ELECTRO camera. Using normal room lighting, place the camera on a table about 3
meters away from an object and acquire an image.
If the camera is powered on and recognized by the computer and still is not able to capture an images, please
contact QImaging Support.
PVCAM Error Message Appears
If a PVCAM error message appears, please note the message’s number code and contact QImaging Support.
Lengthy Pauses During Imaging
If you notice lengthy pauses marked by a lot of disk activity while imaging:
Close any other programs that may be running.
Install more physical memory to your computer system.