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Strobe Mode
In this Mode, each frame in the sequence requires a trigger. When a trigger is received, the camera exposes for
the time set in the software. If Strobe Mode is set to run in Overlap Mode, then all exposures except the initial
one will be equal to, or larger than, the readout time. Triggers received while Trigger Ready is low are ignored.
For a sequence of one frame, Strobe Mode and Trigger-first Mode are the same. Non-Overlap Mode is shown
on the left; Overlap Mode is shown on the right.
Bulb Mode
In this mode, each frame in the sequence requires a trigger. The camera exposes for the duration the trigger
signal is high. Exposure time entered into the software is not used in this mode. Triggers received when Trigger
Ready is low are ignored. Non-Overlap Mode is shown below.
though present on some trigger cables, the Retiga ELECTRO does not provide a “Trigger
Ready” signal.