Follow the steps below to install or replace batteries:
1. Separate the upper portion of the sensor by loosening the four hex bolts with the screw driver in-
cluded in the package. Reach the battery holder by hand and pull it out carefully. Pay careful attention
to the connection wire between the cover and main sensor body when separating them.
2. Follow the positive and negative signs and insert batteries firmly into the battery holder. Please note
that four batteries need to be replaced, two on each side of the battery holder. Replace the four
batteries together rather than partially.
3. Place the battery holder back to the main sensor body and secure it firmly.
4. Place the upper portion of the sensor back to the sensor main body. Make sure that the sealing O-
ring is lying flat in the groove of the main sensor body. Failure to do so may result in water/moisture
damage to the sensor.
5. Firmly tighten the hex bolts to prevent the LSP Series sensor from accidentally being turned on or off
due to vibration.
Tank Top and Mounting Bracket Installation
The LSP Series sensor consists of a pressure transducer module (Figure 4) and a display/processor module
(Figure 5). The two modules are connected by a 32.8-ft PVDF cable. The cable provides electric connection
between the two modules and serves as an air vent to the transducer.
Altering the cable can cause permanent damage to the LSP Series sensor.
Figure 4. Pressure Transducer Module Dimension, inch.
LSP Series User Manual
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