To Charge the capacitor:
1. Make Capacitor positive terminal connections with amplifier and
tighten the bolt. Do not over-tighten the bolts!
Stripped terminals are not covered under the capacitor’s warranty.
2. Connect the ground cable with battery, amplifier, then refer to the
attached drawing.
3. Place the supplied charging bulb between positive terminal of the
capacitor and the battery’s positive terminal. Do this for 2 ~ 3
minutes or until the charging bulb goes out.
The charging bulb will get hot!
4. Immediately take out the charging bulb from the connecting wire
after the charging process. And connect the positive cable of the
battery directly to the positive terminal on the capacitor.
When you want to take out the capacitor after you finish the installation
process from original car audio system. You must do discharge process
when you want to move the capacitor. It will be safe to release the power
of the capacitor.