Nixie Tube Clock ‘Nixie QTC’
Issue 10a (21 March 2014)
- 36 -
6.7 IN-16 Nixie Tubes.
Tube cell type: IN-14
Code configuration: C
These tubes have 2 leads that need to be removed as shown
below. Use the back of the tube to correctly orient the tube:
To facilitate easy insertion of the flying leads into the small holes, it
helps enormously to trim the flying leads with a pair of scissors.
Start at one of the leads at the back of the tube. Then, working
around the tube, cut each sucessive lead approx 2mm shorter than
the previous one. This will allow you to feed each lead in in turn.
Now you can insert and solder in the tube. Insert the 11 leads into
the 11 holes with pads as shown below. Insert from the side of the
PCB with no markings.