This troubleshooting guide is set in a columnar format to simplify the isolation of problems,
possible causes, areas to check and corrective action required to restore the air dryer to normal
operation. It is further divided into system headings for easy referral. Where possible, the most
likely causes have been listed first. Otherwise, the causes start with the simplest and progress to
more complicated possibilities. The steps should be followed in sequence to expedite service. It
is further suggested that once the problem has been isolated, the corresponding text in the
Maintenance Section be reviewed to provide additional information.
This guide will require a volt ohmmeter (VOM), and will specify DC (direct current) or AC
(alternating current) setting.
The troubleshooting information guide can by no means cover every possible cause of
malfunction, but will help solve most problems. If the problem persists after thoroughly
consulting the troubleshooting section, contact
Puregas Technical Service Department at 1-800-521-5351 extension 2156, or (303) 657-2156.
This section requires access to components inside the cabinet of the air dryer. In
most cases, an energized and operating air dryer is necessary to conduct a test
and make adjustments. Extreme care should be exercised to avoid contact with
live electrical or moving parts.