PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc.
1.1 Component Identification
1.1.1 Front Panel
Digital Display
— A 3½ digit LCD which continuously displays the measured
gas concentration value when in the normal monitoring mode. Displays zero and
span values when in the Calibration mode. Target gas and unit of measure appear
adjacent to the digital display.
Left Indicator Arrow
— Unlit during normal operation. Lit continuously when
in the Calibration mode, flashes (slow) during power up and calibration delay
periods, flashes (fast) when an over-range condition is detected.
Fault/Keypad LED
— This key is used as a dual-purpose indicator. It
momentarily lights to provide visual feedback that the magnetic key is being
activated. It also flashes once per second, without a magnet near the keypad, to
signal a Fault condition.
Cal Key
— A magnetic key used to place the instrument in the Calibration
Span Adjustment Keys
— Magnetic keys used to adjust the instrument’s span
(gain) up/down when in the Calibration mode. Display current gain setting when
touched with a magnet during normal operation.
Zero Adjustment Keys
— Magnetic keys used to adjust the instruments zero
up/down when in the Calibration mode. Display current span adjustment when
touched with a magnet during normal operation.
Unity Key
— Used for calibration when a new LEL sensor is installed. When a
new LEL sensor is replaced, selecting the Unity key will center both the zero and
span pots. For more information consult PureAire.
Digital Display
Left Indicator
Calibration Key
Reset Key
Span and Zero
Adjustment Keys
Fault / Keypad