Email Settings
Basic Settings
Enable E-Mails – Unchecking this will disable emails from being sent by this device
To – The intended email recipient
Test – Check “Send Now” and save changes to send a test email
Server Settings
The following email settings are required by your email service (gmail, yahoo, Exchange, etc):
SMTP Server – address of the mail server
Port – Port required by the server (usually 25 or 465 for secure)
Use SSL – May be required by your email server
User Name – A valid email address on the given SMTP Server
Password – The login password associated with the above user name
“Triggers” selects the alarm conditions by which an email to be generated and sent. For example, if Humidity is selected,
an alarm email will be sent when any of the humidity limits are crossed (RATE, LO, HI). ISA alarms will be sent when ISA
crosses higher than G1. Any combination of triggers may be selected. Only one alarm email is sent for a given condition
until the alarm state returns to normal.