SandAlert Lite 2
The above mennu allows setup of the well:
1. Threshold: Lets you set the threshold, this is the level that a signal must cross for it to be
counted as an impact. The default and recommended setting is Automatic.
2. Alarm Point: Let you set an Alarm Point based on the number of SIR’s (Sand Impact Rate),
this figure must be higher than the Caution Point. When this level is reached an audible
sound will be heard (medium pitched sound)
3. Caution Point: Let you set a Caution Point based on the number of SIR’s (Sand Impact
Rate), this figure must be lower than the Alarm Point. When this level is reached an audible
sound will be heard (low pitched sound).
4. View Max: This figure is used to scale the display if you set 1000 then a SIR of 500 would
half fill the display. Any value expressed as a percentage would be related to this setting.
N. Next Well: moves you on to the other well
P. Previos Well: this alo moves you to the next well as there are only two . . available in
the SandAlert Lite.
2.2. and 2.3 Wellhead setup and 3. Sensor Output are not available in this software
6.2.4. System Parameters
Average Period: The SandAlert Lite is designed to connect to a logging system via an
RS232 serial port. The data that is transmitted is averaged over the period set in this