Mount the ARAD enclosure on fully extended ARAS rails using 4xM4 screws (complete with ARAS rails).
Tighten the screws from the inside. The enclosure is mounted in the front of the RACK rails - using 4xM6 screws.
4. Accessories:
Power supplies PS…/PSB…/PSBOC… series
Transformers of the following series TOR/TRP/TRZ
Empty mounting Empty mounting Enclosed power supply Transformers Transformers
plate PS.., PSB.., PSBOC.. series units TOR… series TRP… series TRZ 20/40 series
The ARAW45 fan
Cable glands and protection tubes
Wires can be introduced in three ways:
- Through rubber grommets,
- Using the MM019/MM020 protection tubes,
- Using the MM019/MM020 protection tubes and the ARAP16P/ARAP21P cable glands.