Effects of Heat: Avoid mounting the transducer near a source of heat which is liable to create a
temperature gradient across the instrument. If this is unavoidable, use a heat shield to deflect
uneven radiated heat or wrap the transducer in glass fibre insulation so that an even temperature is
assumed throughout.
All types include suppression devices providing transient protection to EN 61000-4-2 and EN
For all types conformity with the requirements of the CE mark only applies when
connection is made with approved cable, See APPROVED CABLE section, and the screen
of that cable is connected to a reliable earthing point at the instrumentation end.
Pulsar pressure sensors are supplied with cable comprising 7 colour-coded cores, with a central
vent tube, enclosed by an aluminium/polyester screen where the screen is in intimate contact with
a separate drain wire. The outer sheath material is Polyurethane (immersible, +50°C). Alternative
outer sheath materials available on request for harsh environments.
Having installed the transducers as instructed they are ready for use. The transducer should not be
removed whilst the system is at pressure
Before applying power, check that the correct polarity
and excitation levels are being applied. See ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS.
Cable Version:
-20°C to +50°C
Connector Version: -25°C to +85°C
Process Media:
-40°C to +100°C
Limited to 10 million full scale cycles.
Transducers are calibrated to the range requested at time of order. Gauge datum vented to
atmosphere via the electrical connection
Switch and potentiometers provide continuous adjustment over the range 110% to 32% of
nominal pressure range. (See Table below)
Zero and span controls are precisely set during manufacture and should only read adjustment if
there is a change in the required pressure measurement.
Access to these controls is provided by means of a removable end plate. Remove the 3 retaining
screws using 2.5m A/F hex wrench and withdraw end plate.
Caution: Care should be taken in withdrawing end plate so as not to disconnect internal