4. Installation
4.1 Location
When selecting an installation site or designing a skid package, consideration should be
given to access for routine maintenance.
PULSAR Shadow® pumps are designed to operate indoors and outdoors, but it is
desirable to provide a hood or covering for outdoor service. External heating is required
if ambient temperatures below 0O C (32O F) are anticipated. Check with the factory if
concerned with the suitability of the operating environment.
The pump must be rigidly bolted to a solid and flat foundation to minimize vibration,
which can loosen connections. When the pump is bolted down, care must be taken to
avoid distorting the base and affecting alignments. The pump must be level within 5O.
This will assure that the eccentric and gear oils are maintained at the proper levels and
that the check valves can operate properly.
4.2 Piping System
All piping systems should include:
A separate system relief valve to
protect piping and process equipment,
including the pump, from excess
process pressures. *An external relief
valve is required, as a mechanical
diaphragm pump does not incorporate
an internal relief.
Shutoff valves and unions (or flanges)
on suction and discharge piping. This
permits check valve inspection without
draining long runs of piping. Shutoff
valves should be of the same size as
connecting pipe. Ball valves are
preferred since they offer minimum
flow restriction.
Figure 8