Instruction Manual
Command : 01X
Response : 01XS+00123.41
(weight is stable and 123.41) or
(weight is dynamic and 123.41) or
The response includes the weight data in Hi-res (with an extra digit of resolution).
Command :
Response :
Example :
Command : 01Z
Response : 01ZA
(Indicator Zeroed)
(Zeroing could not be performed)
(Zeroing is disabled)
The Zero command does not work in net weighing.
Weight must be within the zeroing range for all operating modes.
The command will wait up to 2 seconds for scale status to be stable. If stable within this time zeroing
will be performed and Ack. is sent.
If the scale does not become stable within the time out delay, the scale is not tared and Nack. is sent.
Checksum Calculation:
CHK is transmitted as two ASCII characters calculated as below.
Checksum = 0 – (SUM of all response data before CHK) CHK Checksum
Example of the calculation of checksums for read stable current weight data.
BSI Example: (CHK is enabled and instrument address is 01)
Command: 01P[CHK][CR][LF]
= 0 − (0x30+ 0x31+ 0x50)
= 0 − 0XB1
= 0x4F
= Char ‘4’ and ‘F’
Response: 01PS+000123.4[CHK][CR][LF]
= 0 − (0x30 + 0x31 + 0x50 + 0x53 + 0x2B + 0x30 + 0x30 + 0x30 + 0x31+ 0x32 + 0x33 +
0x2E + 0x34)
= 0 − 0x02B7
= 0x49
= Char ‘4’ and Char ‘9’
9.1.2 Modbus Protocol
Modbus is available on the PT113MB and PT113EN.
After programming the RS-485 or RS-232C serial port for Modbus RTU or the Ethernet port for
Modbus TCP/IP, the PT113 can be used as a Modbus slave on Modbus networks.
The Modbus slave address for RTU is defined in the RS-485 address settings (
For the RS-232C the address is pre-set to 01. Ethernet uses Modbus slave address 01
and the unit ID should be set to hex 01.
Functions code ‘0x03’ (Read Holding Registers) and ‘0x10’ (Preset Multiple Registers) are
Modbus RTU and TCP/IP High-Low: In two word registers, the data is stored in the registers in
big-endian format. Least significant word is stored in the highest register address; and most
significant word is stored in the lowest register address.
Modbus RTU and TCP/IP Low-High: In two word registers, the data is stored in the registers in
little-endian format. Least significant word is stored in the lowest register address; and most
significant word is stored in the highest register address.
Parameter set-up:
Set the RS-485/RS-232C Format
: Modbus RTU High-Low or Modbus RTU Low-High
RS-485/RS-232C Data bits & Parity
: 8 none 1, 8 odd 1 or 8 even 1
RS-485 Address
: 01 to 31
Program the RS-485/RS-232C parameter settings as defined in 6.3.2, and
Please find Modbus information on the web site at