PSiO Manual
PSiO version 1.1
4. The screens
Charged battery icon / Flat battery icon
The icon on the screen will display four solid bars when the battery is fully charged.
The battery icon will show no bars when the battery is nearly flat. You should charge the PSIO using
the AC adapter.
Battery charging icon
The battery icon will display an electrical plug after the PSIO is connected to the AC adapter or the
computer. This icon will remain as long as the battery isn’t fully charged. When the battery is fully
charged, the icon will be white without a plug.
“Plug in your PSIO” message
Either the PSIO battery isn’t charged enough and has to be connected to the AC adaptor and
charged 100%.
Or you just pressed the “RESET” button. This erases the battery charge level and sets it to
zero. You must connect the PSIO to the AC adapter to charge it 100%.
IMPORTANT: if you used the “RESET” button, DON’T interrupt charging until the battery is 100%
charged, that is, until the battery icon displays an electrical plug (see the “Battery charging icon”