PS Engineering
PMA7000M-S Series Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 2-13
Rev. 6, Nov 98
Verify that the audio selector panel system does not adversely affect any other aircraft
system by systematically switching the unit on and off, while monitoring the other avi-
onics and electrical equipment on the aircraft. Marker Checkout (7000M-S only)
Connect a ramp generator at the antenna end of the marker coax. With the unit under
test in HI sensitivity, verify that a 160
V, modulated 95% with 1300 Hz, signal will
illuminate the amber (M) marker light, and that marker audio is present in the head-
phones when the Marker Audio (M) push-button has been depressed. Select SPR for
speaker to verify marker audio availability on the cabin speaker. Verify that the white
(A) and blue (O) lights will illuminate within
3dB of the amber lamp, with 3000 HZ
and 400 Hz applied, respectively.
Repeat with the unit in LOW sensitivity, with 430
Volts applied.
Connect the marker antenna and verify proper operation.
2.11.2 Receiver Sensitivity
Although the PMA7000M meets FAA TSO-C35d sensitivity specifications, the sensitivity
of the receiver has been adjusted to meet real world requirements (150
V and 430
soft). This will usually eliminate the need for the avionics shop to reduce the sensitivity in
the field so as to prevent early detection of the marker beacons. If your particular installa-
tion requires more or less sensitivity, see adjustment section 2.6, and figure 2-1.
2.12 Cellular Interface Checkout
When a wireless telecommunication system is installed and configured, a dial tone will ap-
pear in the headset of the pilot when the mic selector is in the “Tel” position. In “ALL”
intercom mode, a dial tone will be heard whenever the copilot or passenger’s hook switch
is closed.
2.13 Internal Recorder Checkout
With headset plugged into pilot’s side jacks, tune COM 1 to local frequency, such as FSS
or ATC ground.
Select Com 1 on mic selector switch, and record at least five incoming radio transmis-
This audio should only appear in the pilot’s headset, and only be incoming transmissions
from the transceiver selected in the mic select switch.
Depress the panel or yoke mounted playback switch, and verify that all five messages play,
in the order received.
Repeat for COM 2, and COM 3 (if installed).