PS Engineering
PMA5000EX Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-2
Rev. 3, Dec. 2015
In normal (not split) modes, the PMA5000EX gives priority to the pilot’s radio Push-To-Talk (PTT). If the
copilot it transmitting, and the pilot presses his PTT, the pilot’s microphone will be heard over the selected
com transmitter.
In TEL mode, the pilot microphone and headphones are connected to the cell phone. The pilot PTT will
switch the pilot mic to the selected com transceiver, and allow continued aircraft communications to con-
tinue. (See Section 3.4 —TEL—for more details)
The copilot will also be able to transmit on the other selected radio with his PTT as well.
Split Mode
The split mode can be activated at any time by pressing the
buttons at the same
time. This places the pilot on C
1 and the Copilot on C
Pilot on C
2 and Copilot on C
1 is not possible.
Due to the nature of VHF communications signals, and the size constraints in general aviation aircraft, it is
probable that there will be some bleed-over in the Split mode, particularly on adjacent frequencies. PS
Engineering makes no warranty about the suitability of Split Mode in all aircraft conditions.
When the split mode is activated, the intercom between the pilot and copilot is inhibited, although the pas-
sengers can still talk among themselves. The crew intercom can be reactivated if desired by pressing the
“Mute” button.
The indicator LED in the Mute mode indicator will show ON when the intercom between pilot and copilot
is off (muted), and turn off to indicate that the intercom is not muted, and the crew can speak to each other.
The passengers will be able to converse normally.
COM Radio
itor (3)
The PMA5000EX has a Monitor function that allows you to listen (monitor) to a communication receiver
but when the other primary receiver becomes active, the audio from the monitored radio is turned off while
the other radio is active.
For example, if COM 1 has been selected for transmit (XMT button pushed, both indicators on), it has been
set as the primary radio. COM 2 can be selected to receive by pushing the COM 2 RCV button, and be-
cause it is NOT selected for transmitting, it is set as secondary. You will hear both receivers in your headset
at the same time. When the MON button is pressed (and the LED indicator is on), COM 2 will be turned off
while COM 1 receives.
This way, you can listen to AWOS on COM 2, but when ATC calls on COM 1, the weather audio is cut out
while ATC is speaking.
Swap Mode (Switch from Com 1 to Com 2 remotely)
With a yoke mounted, normally open momentary switch, the pilot can change from the current Com trans-
ceiver to the other by depressing this switch. To cancel "Swap Mode," the pilot may either press the yoke
mounted switch again, or select a different Com with the XMT buttons.
3.4 Audio Selector (4)
Communication audio from the other radio, not selected for transmit, can be heard by pressing the associat-
ed RCV button. You will always hear the audio from the selected transceiver.
Navigation receiver audio is selected through four momentary, push-button, backlit switches.
The users can identify which receivers are selected by noting which green switch LEDs are lit. Navigation
aid audio push buttons are labeled
Nav 1
Nav 2
Aux 1 and Aux 2
. DME audio (if present) will come
through when the
button is selected. When one of these buttons is pressed, the mode is active, and
the LED will illuminate. Press the switch again and it will be "off" and remove that receiver from the audio
In SPLIT mode, only the pilot will hear selected navigation audio.