PS Engineering
PAC24 Series Audio Selector Panel and Intercom System
Installation and Operator’s Manual
Page 3-6
Rev. 29, Sept. 2021
(Middle Position): All parties will hear the aircraft radio and intercom. All will hear entertainment.
During any radio or intercom communications, the music volume automatically decreases. The music vol-
ume increases gradually back to the original level after communications have been completed.
: The radio audio to the expansion unit is provided only by the audio panel connected. For example,
the expansion unit connected to the copilot audio panel will
receive audio selected by the copilot.
The expansion unit connected to the pilot audio panel will
receive audio selected by the pilot. Do
not use the expansion Mono input for radio. (11606 Pin 22).
(Down Position): Pilot and copilot are connected on one intercom channel and have exclusive ac-
cess to the locally selected aircraft radios. They may also listen to Entertainment. Because the single panel,
non-expansion PAC24 (and KMA 24H) uses the same output for the copilot and passenger, “Crew” mode
is not possible (Unless expansion module, p/n 11606 is used)
Observer Installation ISO Modes
If the observer’s panel is placed ISO, only the observer is isolated. CREW and ALL settings make no dif-
ference on the observer panel.
Entertainment Input
The audio selector panel has provisions for one entertainment input device in each audio panel. The volume
control does not affect music level.
Anytime a person speaks on the intercom, or there is radio traffic, the music will be muted. It will return
gradually, through the use of SoftMute™ circuitry.
The SoftMute™ can be defeated for a “Karaoke Mode” (music does not mute) by pressing the NAV1 and
NAV2 buttons simultaneously for at least 3 seconds. Pressing the buttons again will reactivate SoftMute™.
While in the ISO (Isolate) mode, the non-isolated crewmember and passengers will hear entertainment.
When in the A
mode, all persons will hear the entertainment source.
Music Off
Music Off mode may be selected in cases where a music input is not connected, or in use, but audio noise
can be heard due to other loads or cross-talk in the system.
Music can be inhibited
completely by pressing NAV1 and AUX (or ADF) for at least 3 seconds.
Music Off will override karaoke mode
Hot Mic /IntelliVox® squelch disable
For testing purposes, the Intellivox® intercom squelch can be turned off, and the microphones become al-
ways hot (open). Press Com 5 Receive & Nav 1 buttons fro at lease 3 seconds to enable/disable this hot mic
intercom mode.
Telephone Mode
The Com 5 mode can serve as a full duplex interface for telephone systems if the installation is correctly
configured. When interfaced with an approved airborne telecommunications system, the PAC24 can serve
as an audio control and distribution center. The crewmember’s telephone access is the "Com 5" button on
the audio panel. When Com 5 is active in the duplex mode, the TX button will blink about twice as fast as
the normal transmit rate.
In a single installation, the intercom mode select switch determines who is on the phone:
- pilot
- pilot and copilot and passengers
- pilot, copilot, passengers