PC Card users: Connect the snap-on antenna to the Symphony
HomeRF PC Card before inserting the card into the computer’s
PCMCIA slot.
Windows 98 and Windows ME users: insert the Windows installation CD
if prompted. If you do not have a Windows installation CD, see
“Pre-installation Considerations” on page 13.
Windows 2000 users: click <Yes> to continue the installation if prompted
that the Symphony HomeRF adapter’s software does not contain a
Microsoft digital signature.
Reboot the computer if prompted. Otherwise, click <Finish> to close the
installation program.
If prompted, enter your User name and Password in the network login dia-
log box. If you do not have an existing User name and Password, enter a
new User Name and Password and write them down for future use.
Do NOT choose <Cancel>. You must enter a User Name and
Password to logon to the network. Also, if you have a Windows
2000 Professional computer on your network, Proxim recom-
mends that you use the same User Name and Password on all
computers to simply file sharing. For more information, refer to
the File Sharing With Windows 2000 technical note on the
Symphony Web site at http://www.proxim.com/symphony/.
The Symphony Composer Installation Wizard will launch automatically.
Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your Symphony HomeRF
adapter. See Chapter 5 for more information on the Symphony Composer.
If you have problems installing a Symphony HomeRF adapter, refer
to Chapter 9 of the Symphony HomeRF Adapters User’s Manual for
troubleshooting suggestions.