4. Software Installation for Adapters
The following procedure describes how to install the Symphony software for
the Symphony HomeRF adapters that you will communicate with the Base
Station. The Symphony software supports Windows 98, Windows Millennium
Edition (ME), and Windows 2000 Professional.
The Symphony software does not support Windows 95 or Win-
dows 2000 Server. Refer to Proxim’s Web site at
http://www.proxim.com to determine if there are driver-only
packages available which support these operating systems.
Pre-installation Considerations
Before beginning the installation of a Symphony HomeRF adapter, confirm
that you have a Windows 98 or Windows ME installation CD available
(depending on the computer’s operating system). Windows 98/ME users may
be prompted to insert a Windows CD during the installation. You should not
need a Windows CD when installing a Symphony adapter on a Windows 2000
Professional computer.
If you do not have a Windows 98/ME CD, it is possible that you already have
the Windows installation files on your hard disk. These Windows installation
files are known as Windows Cabinet or CAB files. The Windows Cabinet files
are commonly located in C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\INSTALL\ or
Windows 98/ME users may need the Windows CD or Cabinet
files to complete the installation of the Symphony HomeRF
adapter. Proxim recommends that you do not proceed with the
installation until you have confirmed that you have one of these
Windows installation media available.
Note to Customers Using a Laptop Without a CD-ROM Drive
If you are installing a Symphony HomeRF PC Card in a laptop that does not
have a CD-ROM drive or if your CD-ROM drive is an external device that
shares a single PCMCIA slot with network adapter cards, you should follow
the steps below prior to installing the Symphony software: